Explore & Dance in Irland 2018

Explore & Dance 2018 – Ireland, 20 – 27 Aug, 2018

Translated with the help of deepl.com Part 1 Explore Ireland, 20 to 23 Aug 2018 The idea for Explore & Dance 2018, this voyage of discovery in Ireland at the end of August 2018 paired with a 3-day line-dance event, was born in spring 2017. Gary O’Reilly was asked during a visit to Switzerland whether he would like to organize an event in Ireland for German-speaking line-dancers, which should also include getting to know the country and its people. Gary took up the idea and turned to his good friend Bianka at Carlow Tours. A rough plan was quickly worked out and Gary told his fans about his idea at the events he attended later in 2017. So it happened that he hadn’t yet advertised his event publicly on FB, that more people from all over the world had registered than he had imagined in his wildest dreams. On May 15th 17 Gary told us about his plans in Genthin Germany and a few days later we registered with him. It was not fast enough to get rooms in the Dolmen Hotel where the line dance event was to take place. All the excitement about the chance to combine our […]

Kerry Maus

Meeting Kerry Maus

„Explore & Dance“ mit Gary O’Reilly war mein Highlight im Linedance-Jahr 2018. Gary hatte vor der Reise darüber informiert, dass sich 180 Teilnehmer aus der ganzen Welt für diese Reise nach Irland mit ihm im August angemeldet hatten. Wir wussten nicht, was auf uns zukommen würde und wen wir treffen würden. Der Bericht über diese Reise wird auf jeden Fall noch geschrieben werden. In diesem Text geht es erst mal um zwei überraschende Begegnungen, die mir unvergesslich bleiben werden. Ich stand vor dem Hotel in Carlow und wartete in einer Gruppe von Leute auf den Bus, der uns zum ersten Ausflugsziel abholen sollte. In dieser Gruppe ergab sich wie so oft während dieser Reise die Frage „von wo kommt denn ihr“ und Jeans Antwort hat mich zu einem Lachen gebracht, das ihr vielleicht merkwürdig vorkam. Warum sollte ich darüber lachen, dass sie aus Minneapolis in den USA stammt und mit einer größeren Gruppe von Freunden angereist war? Ich erklärte gleich, dass ein Teil der Familie meines Exmannes in den Twin Cities lebt und dass ich vor vielen Jahren einmal in dieser Gegend das Training eines Linedanceclubs besucht hatte. Auf meinen Wunsch hin hatte meine Schwägerin diesen Club ausfindig gemacht und […]

Kerry Maus

Meeting Kerry Maus – English Version

„Explore & Dance“ with Gary O’Reilly was my highlight in the line dance year 2018. Gary had informed us in advance that 180 participants from all over the world had signed up for this trip to Ireland in August. We didn’t know what was coming and who we were going to meet. The report about this trip will be written in any case. This below report is about two surprising encounters that I will never forget. I stood in front of the hotel in Carlow waiting with others for the bus, which should pick us up to travel to the first destination. In this group, as so often during this trip, I asked the women standing next to me „From where do you come?“ Jean’s answer made me laugh, which most likely seemed strange to her. Why should I laugh that she was from Minneapolis in the USA and had travelled to Irland as part of a larger group of friends? I immediately explained to her that a good part of my ex-husband’s family lives in the Twin Cities and that many years ago I had attended the training of a line dance club in that area. At my request […]
